No doubt about it, walking the dog is a great way to get fit, make some new friends and enjoy some time out from the routine of life.

3 Very Good Reasons as to Why Volunteer Dog Walkers are Needed at Lucky Dog….

  1. Due to the number of dogs at the shelter, they spend a lot of the day in pens or cages.
  2. Lack of activity seriously impairs a dog’s health and well-being.
  3. This leads to behavioral problems, which makes it harder to find a home for the dog.

Becoming a volunteer dog walker at Lucky Dog is easy. Just call us at 331-300-7144 or e-mail at [email protected] or  submit a Volunteer Form on our website.  It doesn’t matter if you don’t own a dog or don’t have dog handling experience. Lucky Dog will show you the ropes.

More Benefits:

  • You get lots of exercise to help you and the dogs stay fit.
  • You get to develop fun and loving relationships with dogs.
  • You will make friends with other volunteers.
  • You will have a special sense of satisfaction each time a dog greets you….just like a long lost friend has returned.
  • It costs you nothing except time, and perhaps a little gasoline for your car.

Please consider becoming a Volunteer Dog Walker at Lucky Dog….we’ll welcome you with open arms, and lots of dog kisses!

Walking the Dog…Volunteer as a Walker at Lucky Dog
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