The Lucky Dog Board appreciates and is grateful for their dedicated group of volunteers and its supporters! All volunteers received this lovely email from our Board President, Sandy Britton, on behalf of the entire Board….

To all Lucky Dog volunteers, donors and associates –

As we look ahead to the coming year, the Lucky Dog Board would like to acknowledge the great successes that Lucky Dog had in 2019.

Thanks to your compassion, diligence, and hard work, 121 Lucky Dogs were adopted in 2019. That’s 121 dogs that you kept safe, well fed, healthy, and socialized until they could go into their new forever homes. 121 dogs for whom 2020 will be a very good year (with many more to come)!

We on the Board, our Lakeside community, and of course the dogs themselves are very grateful for all you have done to sustain Lucky Dog through another year.

Thank you to all the people who walked dogs, cuddled puppies, played fetch, scooped poop, did vet runs, gave vaccinations, bathed dogs, and otherwise carried out the many tasks of dog care during the year.

In addition to the daily running of the shelter. we had a couple of particularly successful fundraising events, the dinner at Sunrise restaurant and the Autumn Open House. Many thanks to everyone who helped with those events, and with the other small events like T-shirt sales. And many thanks to everyone who donated cash, dog food, and other merchandise to the shelter during the year. These funds are essential to keeping the shelter going.

Thanks are also due to those who supported the shelter in so many other ways. By maintaining our website. By posting adoptable dogs (with adorable blurbs) and publicizing Lucky Dog on Facebook. By making repairs to the shelter. By fostering dogs when needed. By making dog food runs. And all the other necessary duties that make Lucky Dog the great shelter that it is.

And of course, grateful thanks to our adopters, in 2019 and before, for providing so many happy endings to our dog tales (tails?).

Here’s to even more adoptions in 2020, and a happy and successful year for you all!

Thank You Volunteers & Supporters!

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